Psy, ‘International Daddy’ shows children come first

A daddy to the twins, Psy had the international fans fall for him all over again with his caring attitude towards kids
A video clip has been posted on YouTube on November 5th titled ‘PSY leaving the flash mob in Paris’.
The clip shows Psy leaving Trocadero Square by Eiffel tower after a large scale flash mob with ‘Gangnam Style’ on November 5th (time in Korea).

Over 20,000 people had gathered for the event and so Psy was having a difficult time getting through the crowd to leave. In the midst of the crowd, a child in a stroller was in a dangerous situation and Psy instructed to the bodyguards, “Watch out, watch out. Baby is here!”
The netizens all over the world are touched by Psy’s caring attitude even in the crowd overseas, worrying about the safety of children first.

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